

Protect What’s Important

Killain Angus are very excited to announce that all of our yearling bulls will be sold with 6 months insurance (covering death and loss of use) as of September 1, 2020.

For those clients that wish to extend this policy there is the opportunity to do so. We have decided to offer this to our clients as we stand 100% behind the product that we sell.

This is a unique selling platform providing assurance to our clients while providing a five star service.

For more information, please contact Stuart Balcombe 0428 411 424.

Cover includes Death and Loss of Use (Accident Only), Bull will come with 6 months of Insurance. Options are available for Purchases to take out additional cover or extend the period of insurance at your cost. Terms and Conditions apply and clients need to consider the Nutrien Ag Solution Stud Stock Insurance Product Disclosure Statement.


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